I made my first Payza + STP Withdrawal requests on Sep 20. My STP request went through after 8 days, and Payza went through after 9 days... Made other requests right on - now I'm with 4 requests (4x$250) with STP/PZ/LR and PM.
But no worries IMO with that first rush to the bank after re-opening
withdraws it was quite normal that waiting time would be long. This
should get way better by time once program is getting back on track. I
feel our next requests will get completed a bit faster. New people are
joining again by lots.
Also I noticed we got now 3 daily earnings 3 days
in a row - still 3 days behind, but earnings are coming back daily so
we can re-purchase ad packs on a daily base again. This is first time in a while we got this kind of regularity. All great for us members and for the program.